• Question: Did you enjoy your Physics degree at Manchester?

    Asked by andrearialas to Sheila on 12 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sheila Kanani

      Sheila Kanani answered on 12 Mar 2011:

      I loved doing my degree at Manchester, for many different reasons…

      Man Uni is really famous for some amazing physics, and physicists, for example Jodrell Bank, Rutherford, and not to forget of course, Brian Cox.

      The course was interesting and varied and we got some great opportunities to use data from the actual radio telescopes at Jodrell. While I was there I got to go into the dish and help them paint it….white of course!

      The city is fantastic; small enough to navigate as a newbie but large enough for a Londoner like me. There are so many student nights you could go out twice a night every night for a year and still not have tried everything! Sports are pretty big in Manc too, as is music and shopping! Everything is cheaper up North too 🙂

      Having Man Uni on my CV is a proper enhancement when searching for jobs as the uni is reknown as a good one with a tough but fantastic course. Since I’ve left the uni has a brand new physics department and labs too, wowzers!

      And its pretty neat knowing that in the basement is Rutherford’s actual desk (but it is in a box so the radiation can’t get out!).
