• Question: What is your research all about?

    Asked by bethanyrosecarter to Suzie on 15 Mar 2011 in Categories: . This question was also asked by abimeg.
    • Photo: Suzie Sheehy

      Suzie Sheehy answered on 15 Mar 2011:

      My research is all about designing machines called particle accelerators. I’m particularly interested in the applications of these machines, like cancer treatment and coming up with a new completely safe version of nuclear power. But they are used in loads of different areas of science from materials to zoology and archaeology!
      When I say “design” them I spend most of my time on my computer running simulations of “imaginary” machines that I come up with. There are a few basic rules to designing them, making sure that the magnets you use are in the right configuration to focus beams of particles etc…
      At the moment I’m working on seeing what happens if you put LOTS of particles into an accelerator. They are all the same charge so push away from each other (like hair on a Van de Graff generator) so if you put too many in the machine doesn’t work…
