• Question: What would you spend the money on?

    Asked by lauralufc to Suzie, Sheila, Rob, Geoff, Adam on 14 Mar 2011 in Categories: . This question was also asked by emmamagenta, sarah15, patela, sirikanth, bestone1000, haydo2205, ashleiqhx, metakite, greatrix, rosiet, snipsizpr0, xiwardyix, hardy69er, gracecallery, themonkey5913, hellok234, glopy889.
    • Photo: Suzie Sheehy

      Suzie Sheehy answered on 13 Mar 2011:

      I’d have to say, the money is definitely not my motivation for being in this competition. I’ve done lots of science communication and outreach projects before (some costing between £10,000 to £200,000)! What I want is to find out from you guys what *you* want from scientists. Whether you want us to visit your school, whether you would prefer online chats, do you want to visit my lab or just have a coffee & chat? Is there a piece of equipment that would be useful to your school or should I make a video about my work?

      I will set up at some point during the week an online vote for the thing you’d most like me to do with the money, please let me know if you have any suggestions (I think you can comment on my answer here?) It can be a crazy idea, I don’t mind! (I’ve previously had a friend’s band record a song for me for a previous project, so whacky ideas are more than welcome!)

      EDIT: I’m giving away two prizes of up to £250 for the student or teacher with the best idea for a science project!!

      he best 2 proposals I receive for science projects that need some money for a piece of equipment will WIN!

      All you need to do is to email: moneyformyproject@gmail.com

      And include the following information:

      Project Title
      A 300 word description of your project & why it’s important
      What you’re going to spend the money on
      Your name, school and some way to contact you (email is fine) to tell you if you’ve won!

    • Photo: Sheila Kanani

      Sheila Kanani answered on 13 Mar 2011:

      Can I put it into my “Sheila’s space travel” fund? 😉

      I love public outreach and have spent a lot of time and money on it already; from doing physics experiment in pubs to running science workshops at a farm show!

      I’d love to spend the money on getting all the schools involved in the Space Zone of IAS to visit my lab. It is an amazing, huge house in the countryside with labs and clean rooms and engineering blocks. There is lots to see and loads of people to meet. We could spend the day at the lab, you could meet and chat to the scientists, we could build and launch rockets, make comets using dry ice, control lunar rovers….there is so much to do there! After that we could have a bbq and a swim (yes we have a pool) and if it is a clear night we can have a star show. How much fun would that be?

      If I can’t get you guys down to the lab then I’ll have to think of something else to spend the money on.

      I’d quite like to spend the money on making another ‘space education’ movie….maybe this time I could do a documentary on the last ever Shuttle launch, I’d love to do that. If you like my other movies (see my links) let me know and I can get a movie in the making….you could all have cameos!



    • Photo: Adam Tuff

      Adam Tuff answered on 14 Mar 2011:

      I’ve got loads of ideas for the money – and ideally want to being space science alive for young children! We have a 3D interactive palnetarium called a “cosmodome” that can do all sorts of cool things, so I think I’d like to spend the money on paying for schools to come and see some shows with that.

      Other things include funding a play called “Ellie the electron” (I play a role in it as Einstein the Amazing Quantum Magician!), which teaches young children about quantum physics – and we’ve been amazed to see that it really does work! It would be great to buy more props for that and fund more performances.

    • Photo: Geoff McBride

      Geoff McBride answered on 14 Mar 2011:

      Not sure maybe HEXBUGS, or having some metal models of spacecraft made for my lectures, a microscope, although I saw many cool things at the Big Bang Event last week.

    • Photo: Robert Simpson

      Robert Simpson answered on 14 Mar 2011:

      I want to try and launch something into space – an experiment that everyone can take part in. I’ve explained it on my profile.
